5 Key Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Car

Even though Byron Wynn Autos has a selection of the finest and best presented used cars in the West Country, we always encourage customers to ask the right questions. Whether you are buying your used car from another dealer or us, make sure you ask the right questions so that you are not left with any surprises.

Here are five key questions you need to ask when purchasing a used car.

  1. What Is the Condition of the Tyres?

Ask about the tyres’ condition and if you can make sure the tyres hit the minimum legal tread depth. You can check the tyres by doing the 20p coin test, which involves putting a 20p coin into the tyres main tread groove, and if the outer band of the coin is hidden, your tyres should meet legal requirements.

  1. What Is the Car’s Mileage?

Please make sure you inquire about the car’s mileage, as a low or high mileage can affect the car’s value, as it can indicate the vehicle’s condition. Logically, a vehicle with a higher mileage has had more wear and tear due to the number of miles it has travelled.

Be cautious of the car’s age and appearance when considering the mileage as well; make sure the two are consistent. For example, an older model would be expected to have higher mileage, so make sure this is consistent, as it can be an indicator that it has been altered if the mileage and model are not consistent.

  1. Does the Car Have a Current MOT?

When buying a used car that is more than 3+ years old, check that the vehicle has a current MOT. A current MOT will provide you with insight into whether the car is roadworthy or not. At Byron Wynn Autos we provide each vehicle with a new MOT.

  1. Are All the Necessary Documents in Order?

Make sure you ask about the documents that your used car comes with upon purchase. Some documents you should have, include a V5C registration document, and make sure the details match, for example, the registration plate, vehicle identification and engine number.

  1. Taking it for a Test Drive

To truly test the condition and feel of a used car, ask if you can take it for a test drive when possible. Reluctance to allow you to take it on a test drive indicates that there might be hidden problems with the used car, so be hesitant. AT Byron Wynn Autos all our vehicles are available for test drives.


We will always answer your questions at Byron Wynn Autos, as we want you to purchase the best car for your needs and requirements. If you have any questions about our range of vehicles or need assistance picking your car, we are more than happy to help. Contact a member of our team today, and we will advise where possible.